Whether you call them a Terminal Tractor, Yard Dog, Yard Truck, Spotter Truck, Hostler, or Shunt Truck, when these trucks are used off-road, they can be defined as powered industrial trucks by OSHA. All operators of powered industrial trucks are required by OSHA to be authorized and trained. Training can not only reduce accidents, it can also increase productivity, operator safety, pedestrian safety, and may even help reduce insurance rates.
YMS is the nationwide leader in onsite Yard Mule Operator training. Per OSHA suggested guidelines, YMS will travel to your location, anywhere in the USA, to perform training using your truck and your trailer. This also provides an added savings in time and money, as your employees do not have to travel for training.
YMS Operator Training is designed to provide businesses and their yard mule operators with OSHA-compliant education on safety, general operation, and general maintenance of a Yard Mule. Basic Training includes training manual, group lecture presentation/discussion, written examination, and one-on-one driver training to demonstrate safe operation. Train the Trainer classes are also available.
There is no minimum class size, we have done classes ranging in size from 2 - 22 participants. YMS conducts training classes nationwide, and can work with any schedule or shift (weekends available as well).
This course is for the use and operation of non-highway yard mules and is for businesses only. It is not intended as a substitute for D.O.T. or C.D.L. operator training. Your drivers must have a valid state motor vehicle license with at least one year of driving experience.
Ready to learn more? Fill out the inquiry form below or contact Patrick Jackson directly at
Training is accredited by the Terminal Truck Operator Safety Council